It was very cold today, but I did see a few groups of mushrooms.
At Basecamp, I found a group of Hypholoma fasciculare sprouting where I had seen them on a previous week.
The Trametes versicolour and unidentified white brackets from Day 22 were still around.
The Stereum subtomentosum on Oak behind the Dell were still around, as were the Sarcoscypha at the Enclosed Area.
I saw the decaying remains of Pholiota squarrosa just before The Outpost.
Behind The Outpost, I saw some Trametes ochracea (Fig. 23.0) and the Badhamia utricularis from previous weeks.
Nearby the B. utricularis, I found some Crepidotus species (Fig. 23.1), Daedalopsis confragosa (Fig. 23.2) and Exidia nucleata.
Trametes ochracea
The Outpost Area
Figure 23.
Crepidotus species
The Outpost Area
Figure 23.
Daedaleopsis tricolor
The Outpost Area
Figure 23.
Near the end of the Trail, I saw various Tremella (Fig. 23.3), which could have been T. mesenterica or T. aurantia.
Throughout the reserve woodland, I saw lots of Auricularia auricula (Fig. 23.4).