Day 22

31 December 2023

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Today was cold and the woodland floor was damp; The Dell and Sandy Glade Area remained flooded.

On the log circle in Basecamp, I saw a group of Trametes versicolour ( which I saw juvenile forms of on Day 11 ) and found the white brackets from previous weeks were growing back.

Behind The Dell, I found a bitten, buff coloured cup (Fig. 22.0) and Stereum subtomentosum (Fig. 22.1) on rotting Oak wood.

The Sarcoscypha and Scutellinia scutellata were still around in the Enclosed Area.

In Yew Grove, I found some Coprinopsis atramentaria (Fig. 22.2) and Coprinellus micaceus (Fig. 22.3) growing from under two upturned logs.

Behind The Outpost, I found lots of Tremella (Fig. 22.4) on fallen Oak branches.

I went back to see the Physarum album from Day 21 and Badhamia utricularis from Day 20.

I also saw the tiny red discos from Day 21.

On a log pile, I found a large group of Hemitrichia clavata (Fig. 22.5).

Throughout the reserve woodland, I saw Auricularia auricula and Flammulina velutipes.
