Day 1

12 August 2023

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Today was mild and breezy and some of the more shaded areas were damp.

Entrance Area

Arriving at the car park, I saw Coprinopsis atramentaria (Fig. 1.0) by the path leading to the railway crossing — a common place for them.

After entering the reserve I spotted a Coprinopsis lagopus (Fig. 1.1) immediately to the left of the path and a large fungus — possibly Amanita phalloides  off the path leading to the Basecamp.


At the entrance to the Zen Zone, I found some clumps of Tubifera ferruginosa (Fig. 1.2) on a log to the right.

At the start of the Basecamp Loop I spotted a cluster of Laccaria tortilis (Fig. 1.3) and beside it some Peziza (Fig. 1.4).

On the path down to Basecamp, I found a Fuligo cinerea aethalium (Fig. 1.5) on a log.

At the end of the Basecamp Railway Path, I saw some dried Stereum hirsutum (Fig. 1.6) on the Oak tree from my 2022 survey.


Leaving Basecamp, I found Marasmius rotula (Fig. 1.7) in the grassy area to the left and two more Amanita phalloides in a shaded area just beyond here.

I also saw some old Stemonitis on a rotting log (Fig. 1.8).

In the more open areas of The Dell, there was a large group of Laccaria laccata (Fig. 1.9) and some Fuligo Septica aethalia (Fig. 1.10) in a hazel coppice by the branch circle.

On leaf litter I found Russula ochroleuca (Fig. 1.11) and Parasola conopilea (Fig. 1.12), as well as a purple Russula (Fig. 1.13).


In a clearing by the Sandy Glade path, I spotted Hemitrichia clavata (Fig. 1.14) on a small rotting log.

On the Fen Trail, just after the Gnarly Oak, I found more Amanita phalloides in the undergrowth.


In the Enclosed Area entrance, I found the Clavulina coralloides (Fig. 1.15) that I also saw last year, as well as Collybiopsis ramealis (Fig. 1.16) covering all the rotting wood.

Further in, under a Birch tree, I spotted a Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Fig. 1.17).

On the same mossy fallen trunk from my 2022 survey, I found juvenile Picipes badius (Fig. 1.18), and in a very dense dark area, I spotted a large group of Laccaria tortilis (Fig. 1.19).


A little further along from the Enclosed Area, at the side of the path, I saw Parasola plicatilis (Fig. 1.20) and identified an odd looking growth as Thelephora penicillata (Fig. 1.21).

Past the Yew Grove, there were large groups of Laccaria bicolour (Fig. 1.22), and interspersed with them, Amanita fulva (Fig. 1.23).

It was here that I came across a small log with fruitbodies of a Chlorociboria species (Fig. 1.24).


Around The Outpost, I discovered a beautiful specimen of Tubifera ferruginosa (Fig. 1.25) on an Alder trunk, as well as Hypholoma fasciculare (Fig. 1.26).

In The Outpost itself, I spotted Calocera viscosa (Fig. 1.27) and an unidentified white specimen which might have been a Phallus impudicus egg (Fig. 1.28).

On both sides of the path before the Pensive, I found Tremella mesenterica (Fig. 1.29) and Scleroderma verrucosum (Fig. 1.30).


On the rotting log piles in the Trail End Area, I spotted Arcyria cinerea (Fig. 1.31), many more Fuligo septica (Fig. 1.32) in various different forms, a Stemonitis species (Fig. 1.33), some disco fungi (Fig. 1.34), Calocera cornea (Fig. 1.35) and an uprooted Amanita rubescens (Fig. 1.36).


Throughout the reserve woodland, on rotting wood, I found many Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa groups (Fig. 1.38) and Amanita rubescens.

I also found Leccinum scabrum (Fig. 1.39) and what was later identified as juvenile Hydnum repandum (Fig. 1.40) — because of their culinarily prized nature, I am not disclosing their locations.
