Day 11

26 November 2022

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In the main car park, the cluster of Coprinopsis atramentaria from week ten was wilted and disintegrating (Fig. 11.1).

Near the cluster were some Parasola conopilea.


Just after the railway crossing, to the right in the grass I spotted a Parasola plicatilis and in the vegetation behind the cycle racks, at the base of a woody stem, I spotted what could be Mucilago crustacea transitioning to it’s spore mass form (Figs. 11.0).

Along the woodland trail I saw an unidentified brown fungus (Fig. 11.1).


The remains of the Laccaria laccata troop were still there and I spotted a possible Peziza species (fig 11.2).

On the path to the railway line the Stereum hirsutum was still in abundance and I spotted some more Tremella mesenterica.

At Basecamp, on one of the large logs I saw the Daldinia concentrica from previous weeks, Xylaria hypoxylon and a few small brown fungi (Fig. 11.3).

I also saw Coprinellus micaceus, more Eupezizella roseoguttata and some Trametes versicolor (Fig. 11.4).


In and around The Dell, I found a crust fungus (Fig. 11.5), Trichia decipiens, a pin mould on a small animal dropping (Fig. 11.6) and the Pterula species

I also spotted lots of little brown fungi, Typhula juncea and Xylaria hypoxylon.

I spotted a Russula ochroleuca (Fig. 11.7) and as I was exiting The Dell, I saw an Entoloma species (Fig. 11.8).


The sculpted log along the path was still populated with Bulgaria inquinans and in the Enclosed Area, I found Nectria cinnabarina.


Around the Outpost area, I found Calocera cornea (Fig. 11.9), Calycina citrina (Fig. 11.10) and Phlebia radiata (Fig. 11.11).


The Phleogena faginea on The Pensieve was still around and nearby I spotted a singular Typhula fistulosa and more Typhula juncea.

In the woodland area between the path and Station Road, I spotted an unidentified hairy, cream coloured Phlebia tremellosa (Fig. 11.12) and found a troop of orange fungi — possibly Hypholoma fasciculare (Fig. 11.13).