Metatrichia species

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Day 4 – 26 August 2023

I found these on a log by the path down to Basecamp.

They had black sporotheca (“head” section) and black stipes, which faded to orange-brown or reddish brown at the bases.

Another form had brown stipes with white to light brown sporotheca.

I thought this could be Metatrichia floriformis, but all I’ve found is that this species had brick-red or orangish spores, not white or buff spores as this one appears to have.

On Day 5, they were now all covered in a white mass.

After disappearing for a few days, they returned on Day 8.

They were back to their original form — reddish-brown stems and black sporotheca, covered slightly in a white substance which are probably the spores.

EDIT 16/02/2025

I think this white substance might be some kind of mould – not spores.

On the entry below, the buff-coloured stuff is more likely to be the spores.

On Day 9, they turned entirely white or buff.
