Cribraria argillacea

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Basecamp Loop


Day 4 – 26 August 2023

On Day 4, I found these by the side of the path on a mossy decaying log.

These slime moulds were present in two forms: one was a light brown with a thin stipe, many with holes at the top presumably where spores had been released.

Others were also light brown but had white pin-mould-like protrusions emanating from them.

EDIT — 06 December 2023

On further research I think that the pin-mould-like protrusions are Stilbella byssiseda.

S. byssiseda is a fungus that parasitises slime moulds [1].

Once parasitised, indentifying the host can be very difficult, but luckily I had found some clear forms — this is Cribraria argillacea.

On Day 5, I found some dark greyish blue forms.

These were all the same slime mould: starting as a dark greyish blue, stalked pin shape, then turning light brown and being covered in white protrusions.

EDIT — 13 January 2024

These blue forms are the juvenile forms of C. argillacea — if you look very closely, you can see a structure of darker ‘veins’ and a cup-like base which is also darker in colour.

On Day 6, I found some more with clay buff “heads”, while the rest were entirely covered in white spikes.

On Day 7, they hadn’t changed much.

On Day 8, they had mostly diminished.


[1] — bioinfo page
