Candolleomyces candolleanus

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Day 2 – 19 August 2023

These grew around the logs in the Basecamp log circle.

They had pale orange-yellow apexes, which faded first to buff, then to white.

Some of the edges were also buff, with white fleshy remnants hanging off them.

The stems were cream and the gills fuscous.

Most were covered in dirt.

They disappeared for a few weeks but returned on Day 6.

These juvenile fiungi had orange-yellow caps, fading to cinnamon-buff at the apexes and edges.

The stems and gills were cream, and the whole fungus had a tangy, mushroomy smell.

They grew paler with maturity.

On Day 8, they were in a state of decay.

They had darker edges and apexes, and were paler.

Some had been squashed, so the fawn gills could be seen.

The stems were silky and white.

A few juvenile specimens remained cinnamon-buff and domed.
