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Day 5 – 15 October 2022
This fungus grew alone on a rotting log, though others were in a scattered group.
They had a vinaceous brown cap with lots of yellow hairs which were lighter where the stem met the cap.
The stem was whitish before yellowing quickly further down.
The flesh was a light vinaceous.

I found some mature Armillaria later throughout the Fen woodland walk.

On Day 6 (23 October 2022), they had grown and spread further throughout the woodland
The cluster in the second photo had the same fibrous stems fading to peach at their bases and brown caps with yellow fur at their edges.
Some of them were decapitated revealing the stem’s solid white flesh, surrounded by a peach ‘skin’.

I saw them again on Day 7 (29 October 2022).
They had darker, spotted centres and wavy pink edges and many had lost their fur and had moist caps.